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“Dites-moi” - Avis

Tous ceux qui viennent passer du temps avec nous repartent avec de bons souvenirs et parlent beaucoup mieux le français.

A mes étudiants: Je suis vraiment fière de vos réalisations et ce fut un réel plaisir de vous rencontrer et de partager mes connaissances avec vous. J'ai hâte de vous revoir bientôt!!!

Jetez un œil à ce que «mes élèves» ont pensé de leur séjour en immersion en Provence et envisagez de rejoindre notre grande famille.

Leurs avis sur leur séjour en immersion en Provence

Tous mes étudiants ont été satisfaits de leur séjour en immersion en Provence.

Vous pouvez lire leurs avis ci-dessous.

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Debra - Juin 2024

I’m among those fortunate enough to have studied with Virginie. Elle est une superb enseignante —c’est la vérité! She is that rare person who combines outstanding professional skills with equally strong and —selon moi —equally important personal strengths. At the end of my week, I was thrilled with how much progress I’d made. That was a measure of the care, time and attention Virginie expended in understanding my goals. She crafted interesting lessons that built on each other so my language skills improved incrementally and cumulatively. I’m sure she can do the same for everyone, from beginners through advanced.

As important as the lessons: Virginie created a relaxed, supportive, and non-judgmental learning environment from the moment we met and began my lessons. She knows having fun and laughing are essential to making learning a foreign language a joy. That she does so effortlessly just speaks to her personal qualities.

My week was enhanced by the pleasure of getting to know her husband Alex, their three lovely children and enjoying their gracious hospitality. All the other elements combined to make this an exceptional experience: their studio apartment; snacks waiting for me in the kitchen; joining Virginia and her family for dinner Sunday evening; delicious daily breakfasts and lunches; enjoying their pool; and choosing to visit one-of-a kind Les Baux de Provence.

My only regret is not staying for more than 1 week! So I will happily return as soon, and as often, as I can to continue learning with, and from, Virginie.

Lonnie en immersion en Provence
Lonnie et moi en immersion en Provence
Lonnie et moi au Domaine Terre de Mistral en Provence

Lonnie - Avril 2024

J'ai passé deux semaines avec Virginie à suivre un cours d'immersion en langue française. Ce fut vraiment une expérience formidable qui comprenait de nombreuses excursions telles que la visite d'une cave où j'ai appris le processus de la culture à la fabrication du vin, y compris même des conseils pour élaborer mon propre vin, adapté à mon goût. D'autres excursions d'une journée comprenaient des visites d'une chocolaterie, d'un restaurant/école de cuisine française, d'un musée historique et d'un château. Nous avons également fait quelques promenades et randonnées dans le secteur de la Montagne Sainte-Victoire. Souvent, le trajet pour visiter d'autres lieux que la randonnée durait une heure en voiture mais ce temps n'était pas perdu puisque Virginie apportait des cartes plastifiées qui incluaient des sujets de discussion. En effet, elle profitait du temps passé en voiture et lors des excursions pour converser en français et proposer des corrections. Virginie et sa famille sont très accueillantes et gentilles. C'est sans réserve que je recommande son cours d'immersion en français !

Julia et Virginie sur le bateau à Cassis en Provence
Julia à l'exposition Cézanne en Provence
Julia au phare de Cassis en Provence

Julia - Février 2024

J'ai passé une semaine très agréable et productive dans la charmante maison familiale de Virginie en Provence. Tout le monde m'a très bien accueilli et Virginie est une excellente pédagogue qui veille à ce que toutes nos séances soient intéressantes en utilisant une variété de techniques d'apprentissage. Le point culminant de mon séjour a été notre voyage à Cassis où nous sommes allés en bateau voir "Les Calanques" suivi d'un délicieux repas de Bouillabaisse dans un restaurant local.


Merci beaucoup Virginie!

Gabriella au marché d'Aix-en-Provence
Gabriella en pleine leçon de français en Provence
Gabriella et Virginie à Aix-en-Provence

Gabriella - Decembre 2023

Ce fut la plus belle expérience que j’ai vécue. Je suis allée chez Virginie pendant une semaine pour préparer l'examen de français AP que je passe dans mon école au printemps, et elle a fait un excellent travail en s'adaptant aux manuels et au matériel que j'avais apportés avec moi pour préparer. non seulement ma communication orale s'est bien améliorée, mais j'ai également beaucoup appris sur la culture, grâce à nos excursions et aux sorties avec sa famille, et j'ai également été productive dans la préparation de l'examen.

Marsha à Cassis en Provence
Marsha et Virginie à Aix-en-Provence
Marsha au restaurant en Provence

Marsha - Decembre 2023

After studying French for almost 3 years I decided to do an immersion program and found Virginie. What luck I had!!! She and her family are so warm and welcoming and I feel that my French improved. I stayed one week, I would recommend staying 2, after one you're only just starting to feel comfortable, 2 would be perfect....or longer!!! Being there in December was beautiful with all the decorations around Aix for Christmas. I want to come back again with Virginie to continue learning this beautiful language.

Julia sur les pas de Cézanne en Provence

Julia - November 2023

Julia avec la statue de Cézanne en Provence
Julia au marché d'Aix-en-Provence

My week of French with Virginie was a highlight of my few months in France. Virginie is a passionate and competent teacher who sincerely wants you to make the most of your stay. I have attended a few schools in France over the years and I have to say this has been my best experience. I had no desire to sit at a desk learning new words and grammar, so my “lessons” were spent over coffee and croissants, yoga sessions, walking through vineyards. and during market forays. Real-life French. My visits took place in beautiful St Rémy de Provence where we sampled the market before visiting Van Gogh's bedroom and in Aix en Provence where we explored the lanes and visited Cézanne's studio. I also hiked a few trails in beautiful Sainte-Victoire where I was able to appreciate for myself the colors that Cézanne was obsessed with. A magical stay with a magical person as a teacher who I can only highly recommend. Go for it!

Julia from New Zealand.

Emma et Ben font la cuisine en immersion
Immersion de Greta, Edmund, Emma et Ben en Provence
Immersion de Greta, Edmund, Emma et Ben à Aix-en-Provence

Greta, Edmund, Emma et Ben - October 2023

Excellent stay in French immersion course for our 2 children. Virginie was encouraging and patient and made things much more fun than traditional lessons. It was also wonderful to have the chance as adults to speak more French and Virginie was very generous with her time to help us improve as well. The location is superb, lovely walks from the door as well as nearby hikes on Sainte Victoire.

Laura au restaurant en Provence
Laura au restaurant en Provence
Laura et son mari en immersion en Provence

Laura - September 2023

Tout simplement, Virginie est merveilleuse! This September I spent two weeks studying French with Virginie in the lovely setting of Rousset in Provence. Chaque matin nous prenions le petit déjeuner ensemble. Fresh bread from the local market, creamy butter, and French coffee—heavenly. But it wasn’t merely the delicious food that made each day special. It was Virginie’s good humor, patience, and confidence in me to speak French.

I had arrived with a fair amount of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge, but like so many French learners, I lacked confidence to actually speak French. But Virginie met me at my level and guided me to talk in French. We covered a wide range of subjects, too. Often in answer to a question, I would say, “Okay, this is too complicated. I have to say this in English.” She would listen, and then say, “D’accord, now say it in French.” And surprisingly, I was able to (give or take a few words, like "housewarming" or "blackmail," or "chicken coop!") When I didn't know the French word, she would give it to me, ("une crémaillère," "chantage", "un poulailler") and then she would have me repeat it in the sentence. At the end of the day, she sent me a list of the new words. The method greatly improved my vocabulary and my accent. And was virtually stress free.
We played word games, went on long walks surrounded by gorgeous vineyards, hiked in the hills, ate her delicious lunches, enjoyed excursions to Aix, Arles, and Marseille. And we laughed and laughed. Nous avons eu beaucoup de fous de rire.

Virginie's family is a delight: her husband, Alex, makes a mean tartiflette and a great barbeque. Lili, her youngest, une petite chouette, graciously invited me to play a game with her and later quietly whispered to her mother, "Je l'ai laissée gagner." Léo and Tom are darling, introducing me to their cat, Mimie, and showing me exactly how she likes her belly rubbed.

My husband, a photographer, accompanied me but he doesn't speak a word of French. He didn't take the lessons, but ate breakfast (Virginie always providing him with a fresh chocolate croissant) and lunch with us. Virginie spoke to him in English, making him feel welcome and comfortable.

The two weeks were so memorable. My French has improved tremendously, my confidence has soared, and I am appreciative of Virginie's expertise and friendship. She is simply  marvelous.

Truly, at the end of my stay, j'ai ressenti un pincement au cœur.
I recommend Virginie in Provence to everyone looking to improve their French with a kind, supportive, delightful teacher. Thank you, Virginie.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Corinne - Juillet 2023

My family of 4 spent a week with Virginie and her family. She was amazing in teaching the 4 of us, with our disparate levels of French - truly understanding immediately what each one needed. She and her family extended truly heartfelt hospitality, including letting our kids participate in baking and decorating a birthday cake for her son. Our kids played with her kids and her cat, in the house, in the pool, in the garden, everywhere! We enjoyed meals and outings together. I don't know how Virginie does it, but she manages to connect with everyone and she is just tireless and makes learning French so fun! For example, we went on a fantastic trip to St-Remy with her, and despite the sappingly hot weather, she engaged our 6- and 8-year old in identifying key features of the Van Gogh paintings along the way. If we could, we would just live next door and have her teach us French forever. Thank you Virginie and family for welcoming us into your home and lives for a week that we'll never forget.

Tugce, Alexandre et Virginie en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Tugce - Juillet 2023

Virginie was great! She spent time teaching French to both me and my 6 year old son. I was worried he wouldn’t sit through the lessons, but Virginie made them fun and enjoyable to him. They baked cakes and gardened and played games. Virginie’s family was wonderful. Her kids were so well-behaved and so welcoming to my son. I really felt like my son became friends with them. I loved our time there and my terrible French improved in the one week that we spent there (even though the lessons were mostly for my son). We are looking forward to going again next summer!

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Janis - Juin 2023

I’ve been taking French off and on for many years but as an American it is difficult to improve without travel to France. I heard about Virginie and her family from a friend in my French class in the states and immediately wanted to explore a visit to this amazing sounding home in Provence. I didn't know how I'd feel traveling by myself to someone's home I had not yet met, but the trip exceeded my expectations. Virginie is a force of nature! If you allow her, will connect with you immediately and authentically . She meets you where you are with the language and also in your life. Open and nonjudgmental, you feel safe in her home with her as your teacher. I also met Alex, her husband, and he was equally engaging, kind, and a great conversationalist. It takes special people to welcome new friends into their home and make everyone feel comfortable. The apartment connected to their home was very comfortable. It had everything I needed to feel at home. I never slept better in the peace and quiet of the setting. The rural neighborhood was also a great place for long walks and I often hopped into the pool after a hot summer day of sightseeing.

Virginie's way of improving my French was to discuss movies, books, travel, and more. We did this in the car, by the pool, and eating and shopping in Aix-en-Provence and Cassis. I regularly got lists of the vocabulary words I learned and appreciated Virginie keeping track of my learning. The conversations we had mimic what you'd say in real life with friends and my French improved greatly by using this strategy. The excursions Virginie organized were icing on the cake. I didn't have to lift a finger to plan these outing, which was a relief for me, traveling alone. It was hard to choose from all the options for sightseeing in Provence. But Virginie knows all the special places to see and can tell you all about them. One of my favorites was Cezanne's atelier in Aix-en-Provence and seeing the actual objects he painted. It was a real treat to go to lunch afterwards in a typical French outdoor cafe and then to Bechard's, the oldest patisserie in Aix, for an amazing tarte! Another treat was having Virginie's eye for great photographs when we visited the lavender fields. I'll treasure these photos forever. For me, the final delight was a swim in the turquoise water of the Mediterranean in Cassis. there really are too many words, and yet not enough words to explain my trip to Virginie's home. I highly recommend this experience!

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Cindy - Juin 2023

My daughter, grandson and I recently returned from a one week stay with Virginie. My 14 year old grandson was in France for the first time. My daughter had been in France several times and I am retired from teaching French for over 50 years and have traveled extensively in France.

Virginie, Alex and the children were extremely welcoming. We immediately felt at home. The children were very well behaved and friendly. I was happy that my grandson, a beginner in French, had such an excellent experience. We are all anxious to return.

My daughter and grandson had lessons together. The lessons were relaxing for them and they learned new vocabulary. I was pleased that they both were comfortable using their French when we visited Paris at the end. I didn't even have to push them to use it.

In spite of my long French experience I learned a lot too. Virginie and I discussed many topics. Each topic has different vocabulary so I came away with lists of more refined expressions. In addition I am older and apparently so were some of the expressions and grammar use too. It was good to be updated. Virginie was very patient with all of my questions. I gained cultural knowledge as well.

The excursions were well planned and relaxing. We went to Aix and enjoyed the market, Cézanne's workshop, and a delicious lunch. My daughter and grandson had their French lesson that day while eating a pastry in an elegant historic house in Aix. We also went to Cassis where we enjoyed another great market, the Calanques and a delicious lunch in a restaurant overlooking the harbour. Another afternoon my daughter and I went on our own excursion into the lavender fields while my grandson preferred staying home with the children. We also went with Virginie's family to the fête de la musique in the charming nearby town of Rousset. The town is very close and you can buy food there or eat in a restaurant.

Virginie and Alex went out of their way to buy us pastries for the morning breakfast. They wanted us to experience all kinds of pastries. We had fruit and fruit juice as well as good coffee.
I was expecting only bread and coffee. Lunch was either on the excursion, outside or around the inside table. We chose to have a few dinners and benefitted from Alex's new grill to eat a variety of meats. The children are good cooks too. Tom's rice pudding was the best I have eaten.

I also had a massage. This was a first for me but I was having significant joint pain so my daughter talked me into it. After Virginie's massage nothing hurt for the rest of the trip. It was so relaxing.

After comparing the price of the stay to the price we were paying before and after for hotels and food, no lessons and excursions I realised that the stay was a real bargain. It was in a beautiful location with a tennis court and pool near so many places to visit.

If you want to learn French there is nothing more perfect than staying with a family and having lessons there. You are immersed not only in the language but the culture. It is a real stress free yet full and stimulating experience. We were very fortunate to have this week with Virginie and her family.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Lisa - Mai 2023

My May 2023 immersion with Virginie was truly a wonderful experience.

With my sister Lynne’s encouragement, I started studying French during the pandemic with classes on Zoom. I am still very much a beginning student. Lynne had been to Virginie’s twice before and felt a real sisterhood with her and learned so much! So, when she planned her third trip and asked me to join her, I was thrilled but very apprehensive about my limited knowledge of French!

After meeting Virginie, I quickly realized she is so intuitive and connects with each of her students, with compassion, at your level. She is a natural professor, so knowledgeable not only about the expertise of the French language, but about her country, art, history, current events, things to do and see. She is a warm and welcoming hostess and excellent chef inviting her students to her home and include you in their family, if you wish. She immediately made me feel comfortable and I was so excited to learn and left my anxieties behind. Since my sister is at a higher level of French, we had separate lessons which worked out nicely. Among other things, I wanted to practice my pronunciation of the lovely subtle sounds of French. I think I made some headway! We also worked on vocabulary, passe compose, common expressions and so much more.
The beautiful thing was spending time with Virginie and her sweet family in the French countryside and absorbing the life and language around you. Her husband and three kids are adorable and Lily, who is seven and as sweet and smart as can be, helped me one day with my homework. “Par exemple”, she would say, and give me some hints. Loved it!

We were there for 11 days and went on several excursions. These outings were so much fun, in addition to learning about France and of course, more French! One of the excursions was to Chateau La Coste, where we spent the morning hiking through the amazing sculpture park and ended with a lovely lunch at the chic outdoor café. Another day we laughed and shopped our way through market day in Cassis and ended with lunch at Chez Gilbert, a café famous for their bouillabaisse, overlooking the marina.

The studio apartment attached to their home provided twin beds, two comfy chairs, a nice kitchenette with a small bar to sit at, plenty of closet space for the week and a nice shower/bathroom. We had the opportunity to enjoy their pool and the outdoors surrounding their home in the countryside. I loved every minute of my stay and I think you would, too!

Lynne - Mai 2023

I recently returned from my third immersion with Virginie and it is always such an incredibly special time.

This time my sister, who began studying French during the Pandemic, came with me. It worked out perfectly even though we are on different levels of French. My sister was worried that she might not keep up, but as I told her, Virginie is so patient and will totally make you feel at ease. She is such a fabulous teacher. I always learn so much from her. Plus she makes learning fun. Immersion with Virginie is true French immersion - living side by side with her beautiful family and participating in their daily life.

Of course, after three times, they truly are my French family! Her husband is wonderful and her three kids are so adorable. And, I can't forget Mimi, the coolest chat ever. My French has gone from me being completely choked up to now feeling some level of fluency. I improve significantly after each stay.

It is also a vacation! You could not ask for a more beautiful serene location to concentrate on your French. The student apartment is quite comfortable with a small kitchenette, nice bathroom and shower, comfortable bed (king or twins) and two comfy chairs to watch Netflix or study. We hung out by her pool one afternoon. Oh did I mention she and her husband are both great cooks? Lovely dejeuners! You will love your experience!

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Alexander - Avril 2023

My 17 year old son recently stayed with Virginie in Provence for a few days of French immersion.

I only have positive things to say about the experience!

Communication with Virginie was easy and smooth, and she was extremely professional and helpful every step of the way. Any doubts I had before booking disappeared as soon as we started contact over email. Virginie responded to all my questions promptly, was highly accommodating to suit our needs, and I knew immediately I was in great hands.

According to my son, Virginie, as well as the rest of her family, were nothing but friendly, radiating positive energy and made him feel comfortable from the very beginning. He said that everyone was very welcoming and kind, and he said that he was well fed. The weather in Provence was beautiful (it was April) and he said they ate outdoors a few times and also went out for walks.

Virginie provided quality lessons and was also very engaging - she definitely made my son speak a lot of French every day. What was also great was the fact that she was aware of his interests (you fill in a questionnaire beforehand) and she provided a thoughtful program that is personalised. For example, one day she arranged a squash lesson for him because I told her that my son is a keen squash player, and another day she took him to a museum when she found out that he likes art.

Every day I got updates with photographs from Virginie, which I appreciated as I did not get any news from my teenage son, let alone photos…

I can thoroughly recommend Virginie in Provence, without any hesitation!

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Mary Katherine - Janvier 2023

If you're searching for just the right place to immerse yourself in the French language and culture, then look no more!


An immersion stay with Virginie in Provence will provide you with all that you’re searching for, and more!!

Virginie will tailor your French lessons to your needs and areas of interest. She has an extensive knowledge of French as well as English, and is able to communicate clearly the fine points of French grammar and provides the student with essential practice to solidify one’s understanding. Staying with Virginie, her lovely husband, and three children was the highlight of my stay. It gave me an invaluable glimpse into French life and culture.


An excellent cook, Virginie prepared dishes that gave me the opportunity to try local favorites such as Mont d’Or cheese. Our excursions to Aix-en-Provence, Les Baux-de-Provence, Grasse and Cassis enabled me to travel through the Provencal countryside and to experience first-hand the beauty and charm of Provence and the Côte d’Azur. I highly recommend a stay with Virginie in Provence!

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Louise - September 2022

A good friend recommended Virginie, and she had returned a second time for immersion. This was a very good recommendation. And I wasn't disappointed. Of course, speaking French all day every day is good exercise. But I wrote short pieces, and she corrected them, but also used them as a jumping off point for knowing what to teach me. I said I wanted a dictée everyday, and we did that.


Through this friend I learned she practiced and taught yoga, and she had me teach a class one morning. I said I loved to bake, and we went to a baker and observed his methods. I said I LOVED Cezanne, and we went to see his atelier. I could go on and on, but my learning experience was fantastic.

However, what I didn't expect was joining in the daily life of their family. Sharing their meals, the games, the children's school days was such a wonderful experience. Being able to speak French in everyday situations was really the best.

The accommodations were very comfortable, and close to her home. The countryside was quiet and very beautiful. I can't wait to return. Thanks to Virginie and Alex, and of course Leo, Tom, Lili and Mimi!!! You made my stay very memorable.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Jon and Marie - September 2022

If you are an advanced French student, you are going to love this!

I’ve just completed an immersion course in Provence. My wife Marie and I spent two wonderful weeks here. Virginie and her family welcomed us warmly. We had a fantastic time during excursions and loved just hanging out with the family, watching movies - and playing tennis with Leo! We rented a car and took advantage of what there was in the area. We enjoyed the food, cheese and wine, and imagined what it would be like to live in Provence.

My journey learning French has probably been different from other students. As a primarily self-learned, and rather advanced student of the language, I always wondered what it would be like to take an immersion course. I’ve become a sort of guru of language methods. I have even coached and tutored students. Despite all this, the last few years have been challenging. I was becoming bored and lacked the inspiration to continue. I rolled the dice and chose to do a home immersion with Virginie.

I couldn’t have made a better choice. It took Virginie no time at all to assess my level and to adapt her program to that level. This is what I had been searching for! The first day we played a word game. It allowed me to delve deeper into the language, not just learning a list of words. Each evening I wrote a journal with my new vocabulary that Virginie would correct. I slept well after all that.

Our discussions were sometimes intense. After years of thinking in one direction on a certain subject, Virginie showed me a new path to take. My brain needed to re-program itself. I learned during the immersion process that I needed to be challenged. Virginie provided everything I could have asked for, and more. I found in her teaching, a perfect blend. Practical, useful and educational with a bit of fun, never boring. It’s a great blueprint for how to continue with your studies when you return home, regardless of what level you are at.

So if you have an advanced level in French and don’t know what to do to continue on your journey, look no further. Provence awaits! In this beautiful region at the base of la montagne Sainte-Victoire you will find a truly gifted teacher - and friend!

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Patrick - July 2022

I’ve just finished a week in Provence with Virginie and her family. It was a memorable week, and I am very happy I decided to take the plunge. My French is reasonably good, but I get tired of being told that I speak French well when I know how much I need to improve. Virginie understood this perfectly and tailored a course to my needs. I have now returned to my (second) home in France and speak with a lot more confidence, as well as more correctly and fluently.


In fact, I am from Australia. Virginie is a very professional teacher, always thinking of the best way to encourage you to speak the kind of French you want to, about topics that interest you, or that you need to address in your life or stay in France. At the same time, she is a great person to spend time with, energetic, funny and wise. The family is also very nice, but I am a bit of a loner and didn’t spend as much time with them as other student visitors have. The accommodation in a self-catering studio attached to the house was just fine, and if I needed anything, I only had to ask. Virginie’s immersion course is very well balanced and varied. In the morning we would do quite formal lessons (I needed help with past, present and future conditional, the subjunctive, and also vocabulary and common phrases).


Then we would often walk in the beautiful surrounding countryside, or go to the local market. Virginie also took me on a personal guided tour of Aix-en-Provence. We would cook and have lunch together or with the family. On these occasions we would do nothing but talk non-stop. Very tiring, but also very good for practice. And Virginie is very patient and non-judgmental.


You have all the time in the world to get your words out. Although these occasions were very enjoyable, I could see that Virginie always had a serious point. At the right time she would tell me all of my common mistakes, all of the ways I could say things better, and give me a list of the vocabulary that I had been struggling with, but all without interrupting my train of thought or struggle to communicate. Very professional and competent. The method is not just immersion, it’s kind of immersion-plus. At the end I feel I have some very good friends that I would be happy to see again, and I’m really pleased that I seem to have overcome a roadblock to improving my French and my life in France. I very much recommend this immersion stay in Provence to anyone - beginner, intermediate or advanced. It will be enjoyable and very productive.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Jane and her family - June 2022

With my family we stayed one week only with Virginie and her family. I say "only" because we miss them already and wish that we had signed up for more time with them. My sons are 8 and 10 yrs old and they have been learning french in their school in the U.S. I am low intermediate level.

First of all, she is a professional french language teacher. Be assured, she knows what she's doing! No matter your age or level, she can help you to improve. She's perceptive and quick-- knowing when to add advice and when to offer encouragement. And she's so very friendly. We all felt really comfortable with her which is so important in terms of trusting someone enough to try out your baby language skills.
Her hospitality is amazing and her family is fantastic. Her children and my children got along so so well, jumping on the trampoline and laughing and swimming.

So much to enjoy and to learn and to savor near to her home and within a short drive. Really, I could go on and on! Ask Virginie for my info, I'm happy to tell you more about learning with Virginie as a family.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Lynne - May 2022

​​This was my second time in French immersion with Virginie and her family. She is the warmest, most delightful, most professional French professeur one could have! Just to tell you how much I have enjoyed my last two stays, I am returning again in May 2023.


This time I will be with my sister who began studying French during the Pandemic. Virginie teaches people of all ages and levels of French. She is so kind and patient but very focused on tailoring a program just for you.


My sis, as a beginner, will have her one-on-one lessons with Virginie, and I will have my own separate lessons as a more advanced student. I cannot express how thrilled I am to be able to return! J'adore la famille de Virginie!


hey are very special people and I consider them to be my French family! On my first visit, my husband joined me for week #2 and he speaks no French...except for "trois pains au chocolat s'il vous plaît" with a bad American accent.


The boulangerie where we went was actually very kind and didn't cringe too much:). Even though he was not studying with me, he had a lot of fun and was never bored. The small student apartment, which is attached to their home, is very comfortable and has a private entrance.


They have a lovely pool and there is plenty of surrounding countryside to enjoy for walks or hikes. If you are considering French immersion, I highly recommend Virginie. She will help you get to your next personal best!

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Barbara - May 2022

I highly recommend the immersion experience with Virginie In Provence. Virginie is an outstanding teacher - knowledgeable, dedicated and tres gentille. Virginie's system works. My vocabulary and fluency improved each day. The family environment absolutely made a difference. It was fun and warm and lively. I loved each day of my stay. I am very grateful to Virginie and her beautiful children and husband for welcoming me into their home.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Angela - April 2022

I am currently finishing my second stay with Virginie and her family in Province. My first trip was 3 years ago. I was so impressed with my first visit that I immediately planned to return the next year. Unfortunately COVID delayed that trip until now. When I was choosing an immersive language program, I looked at many options, but I knew that I needed a one on one program that would not allow me to hide behind other students since I can be very introverted. Something about Virginie’s ad spoke to me. I was very hesitant about the idea of living in her house and interacting with her family, but she immediately put me at ease with her warmth and caring nature. Her family is very welcoming and friendly, including her children who will invite you to play card games with them.

The studio apartment for students is attached to her house with a separate entrance. It has a small kitchen, private bathroom with shower, air conditioning/heating, television equipped with streaming services and excellent wifi access. I was very comfortable in the studio as well as her house.

Virginie is a great teacher with many methods to help you learn French, including games, videos, books, homework exercises and assignments. She is very patient and complementary when you make progress. Speaking French with her does not feel embarrassing because she makes it very clear that absolute perfection is not needed to make yourself understood. I’m leaving Province much more confident in my spoken French because I was able to practice for hours every day.

Virginie loves to cook and welcomes students to cook with her as part of her lessons. The food provided is wonderful. She will often ask if there is a dish you want to try. This trip, we ate every cheese dish imaginable including raclette, fondue, tartiflette, Roquefort tart, cheese pie. She also makes wonderful desserts including chocolate mousse, lemon tart, Paris-Brest, choux buns and homemade cake. I’m also quite spoiled now after eating pain au chocolat every morning for a month! (My choice!)

The course includes two excursions a week to any location in the area. This trip I visited Marseille for the Cité de la Radieuse, the Camargue to see the native flamingos, Aix-en-Provence for Cézanne’s workshop as well as the zoo near Aix-en-Provence. The options are vast. On the weekends, you can travel to other locations since classes are Monday-Friday. I rented a car and had no problems driving everywhere. After two trips, I have driven across the entire south of France from Toulouse to Nice. There are many small cities and historic locations within a short drive of Virginie’s house. You can also just stay home and lay out by the pool all weekend if you wish.

When I imagined what I wanted out of an experience like this, the reality far surpassed my expectations. I now have dear friends in Provence. I plan to come again and continue my journey to learn French.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Phil - February 2022

What a great week of full immersion I had with Virginie and family, and when I say “full” I mean “full”. With Virginie you get the complete French experience with lots of conversation and explanations on both French life and the wonderful French language I came here to practice.

My week included breakfast and lunch with Virginie and if around the rest of the family, with as much french speaking as I could handle. No topic was off limits, if I wanted to talk about it Virginie was open and happy to chat, explaining grammar and helping out with vocabulary along the way. Whatever you want and need to focus on, Virginie will tailor the course for your needs. For me it was all about conversation and we just chatted and chatted for the 6 days. Alex added so much as the “good husband” (private joke) and improved the experience much more than he probably realised.

The studio (home for the week) is separate but attached to the main house so it’s close by but you have a bit of independence too. It was super comfortable and fully equipped for all my needs. The whole place is large and if you go in summer you can take on Leo (the oldest) at a game of tennis - if you dare - and then cool off in the pool afterwards - or as I did - play Fortnight Monopoly with Tom and do dress ups with Lilly.

With the 2 included excursions the french experiences never end and just add more content for the free flowing conversation you’ll be having by the end of the week. I choose Aix and La Ciotat - 2 amazing places and even learned about the painter Cézanne.

The week ends, as it does every week chez Virginie and Alex, with Pizza and a movie, should you want to be involved - which I certainly did.

I had a fantastic time, was exhausted at the end but with an injection of confidence I hadn’t thought possible at the beginning of the week. Thank you V&A and I am already excited about my next Provençale adventure in a year or so’s time. I better get training if we’re going to do Pic de Mouches.

Merci mille fois!!



Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

I highly recommend an immersion course with Virginie!

I was a solid non-speaking French beginner and spent 3 weeks with Virginie and her beautiful family. At the end of my 3 weeks I was confident enough in my abilities to extend my stay in France and spend a few days in Lyon practicing what I had learned.

Virginie tailors the classes and activities to the individual which allows freedom to do as much learning and exploring as you want. She applies all manners of teaching and is incredibly patient.

I personally enjoyed the curriculum which entailed class in the morning followed by an open afternoon which allowed me to study or practice what I had learned with her kids. She also provides plenty of options for things to do (hiking, yoga, dancing!) and places to go in and around Aix en Provence. My personal favorites were the hiking, dancing and especially the excursions into town to practice my skills at the markets. I loved the markets!

I had a blast exploring, eating, and really getting to see the French culture up close. Virginie is an incredible teacher, host, tour guide, masseuse, cook and friend. She has a great talent for teaching and listening. I can't say enough about Virginie and her family - they are incredibly warm and welcoming. It was a trip of a lifetime and I highly recommend exploring this option if you have a chance to travel to the region.

Cristi - November 2021

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Jeanne & Lonnie - October 2021

My wife and I spent a week with Virginie Venderwees and her family in October 2021. We could not have been happier!


Upon our arrival, were greeted with a special cake with a frosting of “Bienvenue.” Thereafter, we were given DELF exams as well as a grammar exam so Virginie could assess our level and needs. Although my wife and I were at different levels, somehow Virginie made this work.


We were given homework each evening, but she was very sensitive and inquired as to if it was too much or too little but in fact, it was just right. We listened to “Le Journal en Français Facile” every morning to help with our listening comprehension.  We truly felt that we were a part of her family because they involved us in their family life to include playing board games with her children and her husband Alex, helping her cook meals, and even opening up her kitchen to my wife who made dinner one evening.


The excursions were made to be so much more than just sight-seeing as she encouraged us to order products in French in the market using concepts we had just learned, bringing laminated items to discuss while walking around Provence and encouraging us to order in French at the patisseries. Her beautiful children (Leo, Thomas and Lilly) were a joy to be around and were happy to try their best to understand our French as we tried to talk to them.


Our expectations were far exceeded as we had simply planned for just breakfast in the morning, 2 – 3 hours of formal French lessons after breakfast and followed by lunch. However, Virginie went above and beyond these expectations with the surprise invitations to dinner in the evening and more excursions than we expected.  Her husband Alex ate with us during most meals and was patient in helping us with our French.


My only regret is having not done more than a week. After leaving Virginie and Alex’s country home, we felt a real connection to their family and their children. We truly want to stay in contact with this lovely family as we truly consider them friends.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Lynne & Stephen - September 2021

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

I cannot say enough wonderful things about my "French Immersion" with Virginie and her family in the beautiful countryside of Provence. Her home is set in the gorgeous countryside about a half hour from Aix-En-Provence against the Saint Victoire Mountains, made so famous by artist Cezanne.


Picture perfect! She and her lovely husband and adorable kids have a comfortable home on a large private property with swimming pool, tennis courts, a large beautiful deck for outdoor lunches and dinners and a trampoline for the kids.


Virginie is an incredible teacher - so accomplished and so patient for my struggling French! She made it seem easy to learn. Both she and her husband are totally fluent in English so no worries if you need to understand lessons! My husband joined me in my second week and was worried that he would be a burden since he was only there as an add-on. Not true! He had a blast! We had dejeuner (lunch) every day with Virginie and went on excursions (included in the "package") so he was never bored. He even got where he could say "pains au chocolat" (sort of) his favorite breakfast French pastry that sadly he cannot get in the U.S.


Virginie and I went to their local village weekly market to shop for fish and veggies, where the vendors were so kind to let me ask them in French. Something I did not anticipate from my "language immersion" was forming a lasting friendship with my new French family!

Kathleen & Georges - November 2019

My husband and I stayed with Virginie and family for 2 weeks.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We have different abilities in French but Virginie was able to address our various needs with humor and grace. She was quite creative in her approach. Sometimes we sat at her table and had more traditional lessons. One morning we took a hike to view Mt. Ventoux; another to visit Cassis, a sweet coastal town, all while discussing the French language in French. We also had excursions 2 afternoons a week. I wanted to visit Renoir’s museum so we drove the 2 hours to see where he lived toward the end of his life.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We spoke French most of the time whether “in class” or not. Even while talking to Virginie’s dear family, her husband and 3 children. They would let you know (nicely) if you made a mistake. We enjoyed playing games with them, sometimes joining them for dinner. We always felt very welcome, like members of the family. Virginie made a delicious substantial lunch (more like dinner) most afternoons.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

My most memorable experience among many wonderful activities, was preparing and giving a presentation in French to Virginie’s 5 year old’s class. I was a bit nervous but the children were lovely, engaging and surprisingly attentive.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We couldn’t be more satisfied and pleased with our entire experience. I especially feel that my French comprehension has improved.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We WHOLEheartedly recommend Virginie as a French immersion teacher to anyone who might be interested.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Sin Yee, Yu Shan, Lucas & Caleb - October 2019

We had a really memorable time with Virginie and her lovely family in Provence. My twin boys comprehend French well but have the tendency to reply in English when spoken to in French. After a week of French immersion with Virginie, they are speaking French more spontaneously and most of all, adored their experience.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Having three children herself, Virginie really understands how to work effectively with children while immersing them in French. She prepared a wealth of fun activities to do with my children, including going on nature walks with them, collecting Autumn foliage and identifying them, playing various games with them, as well as reading a variety of fun books with them.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

My children love to cook and help out in the kitchen, so she organized cooking lessons for them, making cakes, crepes, and ratatouille. My children picked out the ingredients at the local market, measured the ingredients, and followed the recipe’s instructions, all in French.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie’s family was very accommodating and welcoming. Alex were easy-going and amiable, and my husband and I really enjoyed our dinners and conversations with him over glasses of wine. Her three children were very sweet and often included my boys in their play.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

For our first excursion, Virginie took us to the MUCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations). She signed my kids up for a museum activity, where you had to link cities with their related cultural items via an iPad by exploring a large museum hall. Virginie patiently explained the activity and assisted them in completing the game. We also enjoyed a walk across the sky bridge to Fort St. Jean, with spectacular views of Marseille and the Mediterranean Sea.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We went to Aix-En-Provence on our second excursion, and visited the Atelier de Cézanne, where we got to tour Paul Cézanne’s art studio. While there was a French guide, Virginie did her own introduction of the studio to my children at a more kids-appropriate level, which we really appreciated. She also introduced us to the best restaurants and shops; now I know where to get the best madeleines in France!

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We absolutely adored our experience with Virginie and highly recommend her to all those who would like to brush up their French while immersed in the French culture.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Laurie & Georges - October 2019

From the very first day I could tell that my French immersion week was going to be everything I had hoped for. It was that and more.

Virginie is a true teacher. She quickly assessed my needs and preferences and worked with me continuously to create an effective and memorable language learning experience. In addition to being a creative, knowledgeable, and adaptive teacher, Virginie has a great family. The children turned out to be a definite bonus because they, like Virginie and husband, Alex, are warm, friendly, and welcoming to “les invités.” In listening to and talking with them, I had extra practice using French each day.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Alex and Virginie make a great team and work together to create delicious and beautiful meals including not only good food, but also good conversation. The whole family enjoys card and board games and that was a regular part of each day. My French definitely improved as a result of this week in Eguilles, of course, but my husband and I agreed that what we treasured most was the opportunity to spend a week embraced by this kind, loving, and fun family.

Immersion en Provence

Reiner, Tanja, Ann & Merle - October 2019

We stayed for a week in October with Virginie and her lovely family.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We all 4 had different levels of French. Virginie managed easily during the week to adjust the lessons to every bodies needs, e.g. to go for a walk with our oldest daughter for a private lesson and to have prepared the lesson with French exercises and games for the rest of us, so we could catch up afterwards.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

She was very fast in realising the different levels and to professional work with us. We also liked the cooking together and the family meals a lot, as well as the excursions in the lovely area.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Marie - September 2019

I finished my French class at Virginie’s house today. I had a great experience spending time with her and her family. Her three children were a joy to be around and were well behaved. They taught me words in French and I learned a lot by playing card games with them.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The family was friendly and welcomed me in their home with kindness. I felt relaxed and confident with my goal of improving my pronunciation and communication skills. Virginie was an excellent teacher and very patient. We had great conversations all in French.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We had the opportunity to visit Les Baux de Provence where we had a good raw vegan lunch and on the same day we visited an olive oil mill where some of the best oil in Provence is made. On another day, we went to a museum in Salon de Provence where the famous savon de Marseille is made. These activities enhanced my educational experience in Provence.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

I highly recommend Virginie, especially if you want to experience life with a French family, being immersed in French and working on achieving your goal.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Sarah, Damien & Alex  - August 2019

I wanted something that would enable me to take my partner and our three year old son along with me and Virginie’s immersion seemed ideal.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The immersion was all I could have wished for and more. Virginie and her family are warm and lovely people and welcomed us into their home like we were part of their family. My partner doesn’t speak any French, but that wasn’t a problem as Virginie and Alex are both fluent in English and made him feel as much part of the experience as myself.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The lessons were brilliant and Virginie adapted them to my needs perfectly. By the end of our stay I felt much more confident with speaking in French and I’d learnt many invaluable grammar points.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We had days out to the market to buy food for dinner, we cooked together, visited Aix-en-Provence and went horse riding together. I took lessons in the morning sitting in the garden and also while we wandered round the beautiful surroundings. We met Virginie’s friends and family and our son had a brilliant time playing with the children and swimming in the swimming pool. We all got so much out of the experience and were very sad to leave.

Immersion en Provence

David - July 2019

Last year, after spending a week with Virginie and her family, I wrote about the wonderful experience that it had been – to join in with the family’s activities and enjoy the healthy and tsty meals that Virginie prepares. I wrote too, of Virginie’s exceptional skills as a teacher. And of her generosity of spirit.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Well, I travelled from Australia and spent another week there this year – and nothing has changed! I was fortunate to arrive on Bastille Day – 14 July – and joined the family in a visit to the festivities in the nearby village of Eguilles,

There was also another little surprise for me this time, Virginie’s husband’s 13 year-old niece Annwen was there with her family for a few days and one evening, while we were having apero and I was enjoying a glass of s drink called Mojito – a powerful concoction with a rum base and laced with Provencal mint – Annwen did a sketch of me. Completely without my knowledge, I might say, and all done within a matter of minutes. The details are very accurate! apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Ulrike & Anna - July 2019

How to make the most of an empty nest: Travel to Provence with a dear friend and spend a week improving your French with Virginie!

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

My dear friend Ulrike (who lives in northern Germany) and I (an American) both have grown children and are experienced language teachers. We agreed that a week-long homestay in beautiful Provence would be the perfect way to improve our oral French skills while enjoying time together in the lovely region surrounding Aix-en-Provence.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We drove to Virginie and Alex’s welcoming Provençal home from Germany, stopping in Strasbourg and Switzerland along the way. The week chez Virginie passed far too quickly, as we spent each morning discussing current events and other topics of interest, lingering over our morning coffee/tea and pastries.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie kindly prepared a list of vocabulary for us at the end of each day, helping us review what we had learned. While we chose to focus on oral skills, Virginie was ready to help us with any grammar questions that arose during our discussions. Our morning discussions were rich cultural exchanges that I will never forget. Ulrike and I appreciated Virginie’s willingness to adapt to our needs as well her expert native-speaker advice concerning vocabulary and colloquial expressions.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We had a fabulous time sharing stories about our families, our travels, and life in general, tout en français !

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

If you are fortunate enough to spend a week with Virginie and her delightful family, you will be warmly welcomed and treated to a week of delicious local specialties and wines (if you desire), have the opportunity to interact with her three adorable children, and have the distinct pleasure of working with an expert language teacher who will introduce you to the pleasures of living en Provence.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

During our stay, we visited the charming market in Éguilles, sampling calisson and a variety of olives, tapenades and cheeses and purchasing and then preparing local fish for dinner. One afternoon, Virginie treated us to a relaxing Korean massage (ask her for details).

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

I found time to drive to Le Camp des Milles, a museum housed in a former brick and tile factory in Aix that was used as an internment camp during the Vichy regime. It was a sobering and timely reminder of how easily a society can devolve into one which allows atrocities such as the Holocaust to occur. On a much lighter note, we spent a wonderful day together in Aix, visiting Cezanne’s studio and exploring the city. I was delighted to learn that the chorale from the University of Delaware (where I teach) was scheduled to give a concert in Aix during our stay. Listening to these young vocalists (including one of my former students) was the perfect end to a magical week in Provence.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Ulrike and I continued our explorations of Provence after our homestay, guided by the sage advice of Virginie. We visited one the France’s most beautiful villages and home to a medieval fortress, Les Baux de Provence; the Roman ruins in Arles; the Pont du Gard; we spent a day kayaking in the Gorges d’Ardèche, and then stopped in Lyon on our way back to Germany. Merci mille fois, Virginie et famille !

Immersion en Provence

Melanie & Klaus  - July 2019

My French Immersion course with Virginie in Éguilles, France was a wonderful experience.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

From the start, we felt at home with Virginie and her lovely husband and children in her comfortable big home. It was nice to be away from the summer crowds in the midst of vineyards and olive trees! apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie tailored the course to fit my needs and made it so interesting that I was able to converse with ease in a very short time. She corrected and explained my errors and varied the daily program.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We went for walks in the surrounding vineyards, visited Aix-en-Provence and Cezanne’s workshop and home and the small local market in Éguilles.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

I really enjoyed the word games and the cooking experience. She is a good cook and makes simple but delicious food.

Virginie is also a very good and knowledgeable masseuse and I enjoyed a relaxing foot massage. 

I am so glad that I was able to do this and would love to do it again. apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Immersion en Provence

Guillaume - June 2019

I spent a week with Virginie and her family and it was a great experience.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The region they lived in was beautiful with the majestic Mont Sainte Victoire and the Mediterranean sea just 40 minutes away.The villages near the house where Eguilles and Aix en Provence. Both villages were beautiful with Aix being larger and more touristic and Eguilles being smaller and quieter.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The house and the family were amazing and the food was always unique.

learn french near Aix-en-Provence

Virginie was very good enough teaching efficient yet fun lessons. All in all the immersion stay made an unforgettable experience and I hope to visit Virginie again.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Elizabeth & Mike - May 2019

My husband Mike and I spent a fun-filled 8 days with Virginie and her family in Eguilles, near Aix en Provence.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie and her husband Alex were incredibly warm, welcoming and generous, with nothing being too much trouble. Also, their 3 lively children kept us well entertained 😊

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie is extremely well organised and thorough and was able to accommodate Mike’s and my quite different levels of ability with the language. She went out of her way to make our stay interesting and fun.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We were able to become part of a French family for a short time and this improved our conversational skills immensely. Playing with the children, apart from being a lot of fun, was also helpful as they often corrected our French!

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The accommodation, a private bedroom (with its own private entry) and ensuite bathroom in Virginie’s home, is very comfortable and well appointed.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Her home is a typical Provencal house and being in the middle of a vineyard it is quiet, peaceful and “oh so Provence!”

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We thoroughly recommend Virginie.

Immersion en Provence

Erica & Marine - April 2019

My daughter (aged 11) and I spent a wonderful week with Virginie and her delightful family.The lessons were tailored perfectly to suit our different levels and goals.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The immersion stay is definitely a ‘get as much as you want to put it’ kind of experience – we tried hard to fill every minute with French, but also never felt bad or embarrassed if we needed to switch to English.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie’s house is situated in the middle of the countryside with lovely hiking as well as day trips.

We plan to return!

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Johanna - April 2019

My husband and I bought a house in France a couple of years ago, and I soon realised that my schoolgirl French was great for eating out and shopping but totally inadequate for all the technicalities of owning a property in France, from the basic setting up of household services, to the more complex processes involved in renovation, garden alterations and car mechanics!

learn french near Aix-en-Provence

I had been using the French Today app, which I found fantastic to start the process of unlocking all of the vocabulary and grammar that I had forgotten, but I decided to take the leap and booked into a week’s immersion course with Virginie through the website in order to try to step up a level.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

I was a little nervous to begin with, but Virginie immediately put me at ease. She has a wonderful empathy with an individual student’s needs, and she was able to recognise my weaknesses immediately, helping me enormously with reviewing grammar, verb conjugations and encouraging me to use more complex vocabulary.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Staying in Virginie’s home, with Alex and the children, was such a pleasure. I felt incredibly privileged and delighted to be accepted and included in family activities and mealtimes, where the children were as engaging and interested as the adults!

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

I only stayed for one week, and it flew by, but by the end of my stay, I felt I was growing in confidence, learning to recognise my mistakes and trying out my newly learned verb conjugations! We visited some wonderful areas, tasted some wonderful wines and I feel thoroughly enriched by my experiences. I can’t wait to do it all over again!

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Thank you Virginie, Alex, Leo, Tom and Lily for helping me, to not only improve my French, but to make amazing memories with you.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Angela - March 2019

Despite taking high school French, private lessons and group classes at the Alliance Française for several years, I never felt that I progressed beyond basic French fluency. My goal was to learn enough French to be able to converse in French. I randomly found Virginie’s ad while researching language courses in France, and something about the ad caught my eye. I wanted an immersive language experience and knew that a one-on-one environment would force me to actually participate since there would be no other students to hide behind. I reserved my spot not really knowing what to expect. As I write this review, I have just completed a month in Provence with Virginie and her wonderful family, and the experience surpassed all expectations.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

vVirginie and Alex welcomed me so warmly that I immediately felt like one of the family. My lessons began at 9AM most mornings with two excursions per week to locations around Provence. Virginie employed worksheets, conversation, vocabulary homework and many different games to incorporate new knowledge and reinforce previously learned concepts. The atmosphere was always low stress. It just felt like I was having tea with a good friend while we happened to speak in French. I also took advantage of the opportunity to play games with the kids who also helped me learn. Over the month, Virginie taught me new words and grammar, but most importantly she helped me gain the confidence to speak French.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

During the month, I was able to see so many parts of Provence with Virginie. We explored Cassis and the calanques, St. Cyr-sur-mer, Arles, Aix-en-Provence (including a trip to see a movie), Salon-en-Provence, Saintes Maries de la mer, Marseille, Aigues-Mortes and the Parc Ornithologique to see the Flamants Roses (flamingos native to the Camargue.) I enjoyed walking through farmers’ markets tasting tapenade, olives and tapenade de poivron rouge; taking a tour of a soap factory that makes the traditional Savon de Marseille; tasting Rosé wines at local vineyards; and visiting ancient Roman ruins and medieval churches. I rented a car for the month and made good use of it on the weekends. On my own, I visited Marseille, Chateau d’If, Avignon, Pont du Gard, Arles and Aix-en-Provence. Driving in the area was fairly easy with my Waze app making navigation simple. By the end of the month, I had explored so many places, but I know there are so many more things to see.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Viriginie and her husband, Alex, are wonderful cooks. They prepared many different local culinary favorites like cassoulet, fondue, Mont D’or, ratatouille, fondant au chocolat, chocolate mousse, tarte au citron, tartiflette and Gardianne de taureau. They also served local pastry treats including the specialty of Aix-en-Provence, calisson. I also had the opportunity to cook with Virginie and Alex to learn how to prepare many of these Provençal dishes.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The month flew by too quickly, and I am sad to be leaving this beautiful region. I highly recommend this experience to anyone looking to learn French and explore the South of France. I definitely plan to return in future years to continue my education.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Karen & Sarah - February 2019

My friend and I moved to Paris a year ago, where we started our French language journey. We had been taking intensive French classes at a language school for almost 9 months and have been progressing well, but decided that we needed a change of learning environment to acquire the confidence to speak in our daily lives. That is when we stumbled across Virginie’s profile on FrenchToday, and decided to do a one-week immersion with her. It was one of the best decisions we made in our learning journey.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

During our one-week stay, we had 3 hours of “formal” lessons daily, but Virginie was very flexible to our needs, and we ended up having our lessons while cooking together, taking walks in the forest just a few steps away, playing card games, and even just having a lovely breakfast together every morning. We wanted to have more practical learning sessions and that was exactly what Virginie gave us. We requested to work on some grammar points and she managed to integrate what we needed into the activities we wanted to do.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

During our stay, we also had two excursions where we had the chance to visit the quaint little town of Arles and the animated Aix-en-Provence, both an easy drive away. Virginie was also our excellent tour guide, suggesting various options, taking us to the beautiful sights, exploring the colourful markets and trying the special cuisine of the region together with us.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We were living the French life with her, speaking the language while discovering Provence and having so much fun in the process. The stress of speaking the language diminished and we left having much more confidence to use it back in Paris. This is something that we would not have gotten in a classroom environment.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie has a warm personality and her family were so lovely, making us feel right at home from the start. They gave us the privacy but were also open to us interacting with them when we wanted to. She had a cosy room for us with an attached bathroom, and all the amenities that we needed. The only regret we had was not trying the somatic massage from Virginie! She had offered us a session but we had so much to do together that we did not find the time.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The one-week immersion seemed like a long time when we signed up, but we could have definitely stayed for more. Highly recommend this if you want to improve your French in an enjoyable, fun and effective way while having a mini-vacation in the south of France.

Immersion en Provence

Gay & John - October 2018

Our immersion stay with Virginie and her family was brilliant. Virginie is an excellent teacher and a generous and good human being. My husband and I improved our French a great deal and staying with Virginie and her young family was a real treat! Highly recommended.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Mona - October 2018

To spend a week with Virginie was an adventure. I loved learning more about the intricacies of the French language whilst living a typical week in the life of a French family in a rural setting in southern France, about 15 minutes from the nearest town.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

In one week, my French benefited from daily formal, structured lessons as well as the incidental support from Virginie whenever she corrected my grammar and verb tenses. The lessons were specific to my level of French, and Virginie was skilled at discerning where to target her teaching skills.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Informally, Virginie and I discussed many topics. For example, French and Australian politics, and anything French compared with anything Australian. It was through these more informal discussions and visual interpretations of points of grammar where I felt my language skills and memorisation developed and expanded, where I was forced to dig deep for vocabulary, appropriate French phrases and to think quickly about correct verb tense.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

It’s possible to walk into Eguilles, or take a taxi ride for about ten euros. I explored the town on foot, bought un café et un pain au chocolat at the local boulangerie, and discovered the old stone laveries which were sought after by laundresses in the past due to the quality of the water in Eguilles. One of my more quirky souvenirs is a sample from Max Sauze’s eclectic gallery called Le Jardin d’Eguilles – well-worth a visit and, if you’re lucky, you may get to chat to the artist himself. He was dressed in red trousers and a mustard yellow jumper and eating his lunch on the day I visited his Dali-esque gallery and garden.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Another highlight in Eguilles is the Catholic cathedral with a superb view over the surrounding countryside. I noted a plaque high on one exterior wall commemorating the death of a citizen of Eguilles killed for his involvement in the French Resistance movement.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The excursions were fantastic! The time spent driving, walking and exploring allowed so many fruitful opportunities to work on my vocabulary, and expand my knowledge of French history, landscapes and local food. All in French, of course! Virginie and I spent time discovering Les Calanques. These are unique limestone cliff, beach and rock formations at the edge of the Mediterranean near the pretty port town of Cassis. Later in the week, we drove across the vast Valensole plateau, planted with acres and acres of neatly-pruned, grey-green lavender bushes. Our destination was Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, classified as un beau village de France nestled between canyon walls and built around a natural spring. We climbed the pilgrimage trail, crossing over the stone bridge between the walls of the canyon to the 12th century chapel dedicated to Notre-Dame de Beauvoir. The day ended at a local restaurant with gambas steeped in pastis, the well-known liqueur of southern France – delicious!

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The week passed all too quickly with Virginie, whose teaching style was well-organised, thorough and dedicated to my needs. The challenge of everyday conversation was difficult but rewarding, and mellowed by a shared sense of humour.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

A week of immersion with Virginie is to be thoroughly recommended.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Ida, Sunniva, Lucia & David - October 2018

We had a lovely stay with Virginie and her charming family near the village of Eguille in Provence.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Our daughter who is 13 and has just started learning French at school had French lessons with Virginie in the mornings whilst the rest of us (mum, dad and an eight year old) hung out by the pool or in the village.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

As a young and motivated teenager, this is a great way of jump-starting your French learning.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie took us all on two wonderful excursions to the market in Aix-en-Provence and to Cassis and the seaside.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

She was very flexible and helpful in any way and we all had fun exploring French and Provence with her. We decided against renting a car, which was a limiting factor, yet there are local taxis and the adults enjoyed the 45 minutes’ walk through the vineyards and the woods to the village.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The house is lovely with comfortable beds, a nice private bathroom and a large garden.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

When you factor in flights and trains at school holiday prices, the total costs of the week for our family holiday were substantial but for us it was a great and happy experience.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

David - September 2018

What a memorable week it was!

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Enjoying perfect weather, eating succulent and generous local dishes prepared by Virginie, being treated as an important guest of a delightful family, strolling the streets and lanes of the local, better-than-typical Provincial village and visiting the remarkable hill-top villages of Les Baux and Gordes.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Intertwined with this was improving my ability to converse in French – after all, it had been with that hope that I had travelled all the way from Australia to France. There was the opportunity to converse in French at all three meals as well as during the major part of the rest of each day and Virginie’s skills as a teacher were outstanding – encouraging my confidence, correcting repeated errors and supplying vocabulary where it was lacking.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

This wasn’t just a three-hour lesson – the whole day held the opportunity for learning.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

And there was more. Virginie has great generosity of spirit. I received care and attention of a sort which I will remember forever and I am so pleased to know that I am now have a French family as special friends – Virginie and her husband Alex – and their children, Leo, Tom and Lily. Nothing would please me more than to spend time with them again in the future.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Jeannie & Meagan - September 2018

Ma fille et moi avons toujours aimé la culture française: l’art, la langue, les délicieux vins et le fromage. Nous aimons tout! C’est pour cette raison que nous avons décidé d’essayer une semaine d’immersion avec une famille française. Vivant près d’Aix-en-Provence, Virginie  et sa famille nous ont ouvert leur porte —et leurs cœurs— pour rendre notre séjour inoubliable!

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Après un long vol des États-Unis, nous étions heureuses de voir Virginie nous attendre à l’aéroport de Marseille. Elle nous a conduit chez elle et nous a présenté son mari et leurs trois charmants enfants. Ensuite, nous avons joué aux cartes avec les enfants, mangé un bon repas et dégusté des vins régionaux et le traditionnel bonbon aux amandes d’Aix: les Calissons. Après une bonne nuit de sommeil dans notre suite privée et spacieuse, nous nous sommes réveillées prêtes à apprendre le français.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Chaque jour commençait sur la terrasse avec le petit déjeuner et les cours de français. Parfois, le chat, Fripouille participait à la discussion! Virginie est une prof formidable. Avec ses enfants, elle aime la méthode d’enseignement Montessori, et elle utilise le même genre de matériaux avec ses étudiants.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie nous a emmené dans un vignoble local et chez un chocolatier. Nous y avons acheté des cadeaux pour nos amis et familles. Elle nous a emmené à la boulangerie et à son marché bio préféré.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Nous avons aussi visité Aix-en-Provence et Arles.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Nous avions commencé notre séjour en jouant aux cartes avec les enfants de Virginie et Alex. Il était donc approprié que nous finissions notre séjour en regardant le dessin animé Les Simpsons que leurs enfants appellent « Spider Cochon »!

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie est une excellente prof et sa famille est charmante. Nous la recommandons vivement à tous ceux qui souhaitent étudier le français en Provence.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Horace - September 2018

I stayed in the house of my teacher Virginie and was made to feel comfortable from the very beginning.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The house is just outside of the village and is a community close to Aix en Provence. Our day began with breakfast around 8:30 and continued the noon meal. There is a road just beyond the house where a vineyard climbs the hill behind the house. I liked to walk several times a day up the hill to an olive orchard.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

On some days Virginie would join me, and we would have lessons while we walked. I enjoyed these lessons very much. Other times we would sit on the veranda behind the house, overlooking the pool, and have a more formal lesson. There was plenty of homework, which was helpful and enjoyable.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We also traveled Aix for the market, and to other small villages to enjoy what they had to offer, and to continue our language lessons. My preference to small towns, and local attractions can best be exhibited by our trip into Eguille, which I enjoyed very much. We visited a garden in the town, that boasted not only a variety of plants and trees, but also of naturalistic artworks completed by the owner.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We also stopped by a local vineyard for some tasting of their wines. It is very easy to increase your language skills when talking about the things you are doing, or seeing, or tasting.


I came to France with a small amount of French vocabulary, and less of the proper French sentence construction. With Virginie’s help I am much better in my communication and writing skills. As an appreciated bonus she has given me via paper, and via email, a variety of resources that I am taking home to help me progress in my French. apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Ilan & Sharon - August 2018

My son (13 years) and I spent a week of “immersion” with Virginie and Alex in her lovely home deep in the countryside outside of Eguilles late last summer.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

For me it was a chance to review the language and to experience the place and people after years away. For my son, who had taken two years of “school” French, it was an opportunity to try out his modest skills in an authentic environment and make leaps of progress beyond what was likely in America. It turned out that we accomplished both goals, and far more.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We nervously drove up to the house on day 1, but were quickly made to feel at home. Tucked between two vineyards with a mountain of pine trees running above and behind, the house was a true rural hideaway. The pool, trampoline, and nearby path up and into the forest made it an outdoor paradise; the accommodations and openness of the house to us gave us a whole world to enjoy and explore. Virginie and Alex were generous and attentive hosts throughout and welcomed my boy and me as friends and equals.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Each day was a new experience, with the “course” modulating to our needs, my own and my son’s so different, and our tolerance for “classroom” study varying by the day.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We experimented in the kitchen as a group, trying local wines, making local recipes (quiche and french toast!), and wandering the local, and not so local urban attractions–one day visiting Arles, another doing a “ring road” around Mt. St. Victoire.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Throughout the feeling was casual and open, filled with the French language and gentle prompts to find le mot juste and to refine the accent.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We had a blast, and our experience with Virginie and her family is now without hiccup or hesitation a wonderful, lasting memory of the trip.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Chris - August 2018

My weeklong stay with Virginie and her husband Alex in Aix en Provence was an amazing time. It was positive on all fronts.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The French lessons were very flexible and customized to address my weaknesses and level. Speaking and listening comprehension are the main areas where I need improvement and Virginie made sure that we were talking all of the time.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Her method of teaching certain concepts with topic cards was very fun and useful and allowed us to complete exercises while walking through fields or streets. The only area for improvement would be to have a review of the previous days learnings before beginning new topics.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

The location of the stay was fantastic as it was a short drive away from many cities in Provence. I chose to focus the excursions on exploring French towns and Virginie happily obliged, as we spent afternoons in Aix en Provence, Avignon, and Arles. Each trip was interesting and provided a lot of learning. Virginie and Alex even helped organize additional outings that I was interested in such as playing football.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Their house was beautiful and I immediately felt at home and comfortable with my living space. The food made was delicious and generous, and I was happy that the meals were often French specialities. My week felt like I experienced a genuine southern French lifestyle.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

As a student for the next year in Paris, I am very glad that I chose to spend a week on a French immersion homestay. I would have liked to spend more time but given I will be paying tuition for the next two years, the price for more than a week was out of my range. Regardless, I’d recommend to anyone looking to improve their French and experience a true French life.

Immersion en Provence

Celia, José, Daniel & Emily - July 2018

We really enjoyed our stay with Virginie, Alex and their lovely three children in Eguilles and would highly     recommend them to others interested in learning French and experiencing life in Provence.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

We didn’t really know what to expect from our stay, as we had never done an immersion or homestay program before and were a bit worried about how our children (6 year-old twins) would react to being in a different home and country…however our time in Provence was truly delightful and we would go back in a heartbeat.


Virginie, Alex and their children were very welcoming to us, and quickly made us feel at home. Within a few hours of being at their house, our kids were already catching grasshoppers with Leo, Tom and Lily, chasing each other around the pool, and happily sharing chocolate cookies. Watching the kids play together – and try to communicate – was great fun for all of us.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie was a very patient, flexible and creative teacher and made learning French a lot of fun. We really enjoyed our morning classes and our lunches together, and also appreciated the many excursions we did together to beaches, old villages, the lavender and sunflower fields, the Calanques, and much more. When Virginie found out that my husband was an avid birder, she even organized a visit to an ornithological park together to see flamingos! Virginie also gave us really helpful ideas for places to visit with our children, which made exploring the region much easier and lots of fun.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

In short, we were incredibly happy that we choose to stay with Virginie, Alex and their lovely children, and hope we will have an opportunity to visit them again in the near future. apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Immersion en Provence

David - July 2018

J’ai passé une semaine très agréable chez Virginie et Alex ou j’ai fait des cours de français, visité le marché, bu des vins, marché dans la campagne et vu des films.   Virginie est une prof très bien informé mais Alex aussi parle très bien anglais, donc dans le soir quand on a mangé ensemble c’était facile de parler sans confusion – en français mais aussi (quand je n’ai connu pas un phrase) en anglais.   I would recommend Virginie to any English speaker who wants to improve their French and have a lovely Provençal break.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Jhané - June 2018

Today marks the end of my week with Virginie and her family and I’m sad to go. They were very welcoming and I couldn’t have asked for better hosts.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

When I arrived at the airport, I heard someone call my name and turned to see it was Virginie. She approached me as if we already knew each other and this immediately put me at ease. Her husband, Alexandre, was also very friendly and their 3 kids were adorable and lively.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie was extremely accommodating. She made sure that I got to try all the French dishes that I was curious about and even suggested to me some I had never heard of. I tried escargots, légumes farcis, tropézienne, pain au chocolat and even Alex’s very own rosé. She also would change the daily schedule to suit me and what I wanted to do.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

For our two excursions, we went canoeing along Les Calanques and horseback riding along the coast. They were both new experiences for me and I enjoyed them a lot. Even though canoeing for that long was tiring for us both, les Calanques was a beautiful sight to behold. I also loved the different views we saw while horseback riding along the coast and in the forest surrounding the ranch.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie also dropped me to Éguilles as well as carried me to the bus stop so I could go to Aix en Provence, and gave me a map for traversing each. Both towns had their own charm and I enjoyed exploring each of them.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Concerning the French lessons, I wanted to work on my speaking and that’s exactly what Virginie ensured that I did. Not once did I speak English during my trip and Virginie taught me so many ways of sounding more like a native French speaker. In addition, I learnt a lot of new vocabulary and French expressions, not only from her but from her mother and friends who were also very friendly.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

While working on my speaking, we also simultaneously improved my writing. I learnt better ways to structure my sentences and she gave me written assignments to practise the vocabulary that I had learnt that day.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

All in all, it was an amazing trip. I was able to accomplish all I wanted to and more.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

I hope to return to Provence to spend another wonderful week with Virginie and her family.

Immersion en Provence
Immersion en Provence

Jane - June 2018

I had a wonderful stay with Virginie and her family.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

She is professional, a talented teacher and a very caring and fun person to spend time with. She made the experience of improving my French so much fun.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

She arranged for me to spend the morning at the local bakery to spend time speaking and learning about the art of baking wonderful breads. We visited an olive oil producer as well as an artisan chocolate factory. We traveled to the coast and experienced wonderful food and beautiful beaches.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

As you might guess my focus was on food and she wove that in with all of my French lessons.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

I can’t wait to go back!

Immersion en Provence

Mona - May 2018

Virginie is an excellent teacher she adapted constantly to my French ability and I have greatly improved after spending a week with her.   She was very flexible I need to do some shopping shortly after I arrived and she used that as an opportunity to practice some specific vocabulary.   Her lessons very well structured and she gave me homework so that I could prepare for the following day.

apprendre le français près de Aix-en-Provence

Virginie and her family were very welcoming and I felt at home immediately arriving. They included me in their day-to-day activities but also gave me a lot of space.   I had a very relaxing week and enjoyed spending time walking in the beautiful area around the house sitting in the garden and enjoying Virginie and her family‘s company.   The room was very comfortable, spotlessly clean and has everything one needs.   I am hoping I can return next year with my own family.

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